Quality products at fair prices

At Bulgariantopwines.com you can find quality products at fair prices and interesting offers:

The prices are in Euro(€) per bottle or per sample pack, according to the statement on the web shop at the time of the order or as long as supplies last. Unless indicated otherwise, bottles have 0.75 liter capacity.
The prices quoted are inclusive VAT (21%), excise and package tax.

All offers at BulgariaTopwines.com have a validity period as indicated on the web page, in the mailing or in the price list. ‘Selling off’ actions are valid as long as the concerned wines are available at Bulgarian Topwines stock. Bulgarian Topwines reserve the right to adjust the prices.

Quality refers not only to the Bulgarian Topwines as such, but also to the information we offer you about the wines. We do everything to provide our web shop visitors and customers with accurate, appropriate and relevant information. Also the availability for each product is automatically displayed in our web shop. In case of a unintentional mistake or unexpected circumstances that make some products no longer available at the time of your order, Bulgarian Topwines will contact you as soon as possible to find a solution.

Sometimes BulgarianTopwines.com uses on the website hyperlinks to interesting background information. These links are purely informative. BulgarianTopwines.com is not responsible for the content of the websites referred to.